Roof Replacement vs. Roof Repair: 8 Factors to Consider

Roofs are one of the most essential parts of any house. They protect you, your belongings and your family from the weather. However, roofs don’t last forever. When your roof has seen better times, you will have to decide between a replacement or a repair. We’re happy to assist you in making the right choice.

How to Decide between Roof Replacement and Roof Repair.

Repairing a roof only fixes a part of its structure. When you replace a roof, the entire roofing system is replaced. Consider these eight factors before deciding on the best route:

1. Age of the Roof

You can use the sell-by or lifespan of each roofing material to determine when you should replace your roof. Asphalt shingles, for example, last between 15 and 30 years while metal and clay last much longer.

If your roof is old and in bad shape, it will need to be replaced soon. This is especially true if you intend to live in the home for many more years. If it is still less than 20 years old, and the roofing inspector finds only minor damage, it can be repaired.

2. Roof Condition

It is crucial to understand the extent of damage on your roof. You should also be aware of the two main signs to watch out for.

  • Aesthetics: Examples of aesthetic damage are moss or algae growing on a roofing system. Another example is a roof which looks old and rundown but still has pristine condition.
  • Structural Damage: The roof shingles must be cracked, broken, rusted or perforated to qualify as structural damage.

You can repair a small portion of your roof if it is only slightly damaged. A thorough inspection is necessary to determine the extent of damage. Aesthetic damage is usually repairable, whereas structural damage will require a replacement.

If you have extensive damage, multiple problems with your roof’s flashing or decking, or roof ventilation then a replacement is the best option. roofs are generally resistant to damage but severe weather conditions such as hurricanes and tornadoes can damage them severely.

3. How Quickly a Roof Needs to be Done

When a storm is approaching, it is more important than ever to fix a roof problem. There may not be time to replace the roof. In this situation, quick fixes or taking simple steps to protect your roofing will suffice.

Even if there isn’t a hurricane approaching, some homeowners choose to repair their roofs anyway, simply because it resolves the problem faster.

The most important thing to do is to never delay a roofing job. This is especially true if the roof you think needs replacing. It’s not a good idea to wait until the storm is over before you start a roofing project. This could cause more damage and increase your repair costs.

4. Find Damage on Your Roof

You can determine if you need to replace or repair your roof based on the location of damage.

A simple fix might be sufficient if the damage is limited to a small section. A minor leak on your ceiling in the bedroom or dining area is usually caused by tiny holes. These can be repaired with patching.

A small leak doesn’t justify a roof replacement. If you have multiple leaks then it is time to replace your roof. A replacement is also the best choice if your roof has at least 30% damage.

5. How Long do you Plan to live in your Home?

How long do you intend to live in your house? It’s important to replace the roof when necessary if you intend to live there for life. can also help extend your home’s lifespan. It’s still best to replace your roof even if you intend to sell in a few short years. This will increase the curb appeal of your home and its value.

If you’re only staying temporarily in the home, it is more likely that you will opt for repairs rather than a new house. You won’t have the time to use the house enough to warrant a replacement.

6. Insurance Claims Issues

Roof repair or replacement can be costly depending on the size of your roof, its extent of damage and where you live. Remember that insurance only covers damage caused by natural disasters, accidents or neglect, and not wear and tear.

7. You can Find your Location by Entering your Postcode

You can replace the damaged shingles if your roof is only slightly damaged by wind. If you live in a region that is prone to frequent storms like hurricanes or tornadoes or hailstorms you will want to immediately replace any missing shingles.

You should still have your roofing system inspected, regardless of where in the world you live. You’ll be able to determine which services are needed to protect your roof against the sun, rain or storm.

8. Your Budget

Repairs are usually cheaper than replacements for homeowners. To get a profit, landlords need to track their maintenance costs. Roof repairs can be expensive and may even exceed the cost to replace a roof.

A roof replacement may be more costly, but you will not have to pay for subsequent repairs, especially if your roof has multiple problem areas. You’ll also feel safer knowing that your home is better protected against the elements if you install a new roof.

Can you or Should you Replace a Partial Roof?

It may seem cost-effective to replace only a portion of your roof instead of the whole roof. It can have many negative consequences that will cost you more in the end.

If only one side of the roof is damaged, a partial roof replacement will work. The following would be required:

  1. Remove old roof shingles on the damaged side
  2. Add a moisture barrier on the roof deck
  3. Install new shingles

A partial replacement may lead to more damages and costs over time. Small gaps in the roof, for example, can allow air to escape. This will lead to a higher energy bill. These tiny holes can also allow insects and rodents into your home. Alternatively, you can save money by replacing your roof. You’ll have peace of mind, knowing that you can avoid expensive roof repair in concord nh.

Aesthetics is another problem that can arise when replacing a partial roof. The new materials will need to be matched with the old ones to make the repaired area blend in with the rest. If you have extra shingles from a previous roof job, the colors may be different due to sun exposure. The newly re-roofed area will stand out when you use them.

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